"Where are they?" - Parents of the disappeared blast ineffectiveness of investigations
BEIRUT, 14 May (IRIN) - On 17 June 1982, some 60 Lebanese students were abducted from the Lebanese University in Hadath by the Lebanese Forces (LF) and brought before an LF military council. None of them were ever seen again.
According to SOLIDA (le Soutien aux Libanais Detenus Arbitrairement), about 17,000 Lebanese nationals went missing during the country's civil war from 1975 to 1990. Over the years, three committees have been set up to investigate the fate of the missing Lebanese, with little success.
Parliamentarian and human rights activist Ghassan Mokhaiber said he had already requested the government for information about the missing persons. "'I've not received an answer yet," he said. "I'll wait for a while, and then I'll forward the matter to parliament in order to question the Cabinet."
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Good that you pointed this out...
By Moussa Bashir, at 9:40 AM
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