Friday, May 05, 2006

Political Wisdom

Emile Lahoud: The majority is fictitious ... (his standard comment)

Walid Eido (in response to Lahoud): No. The President is fictitious ...

I am rubber you are glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you ...


  • LOL, walla you have a sense of humor!!! :)


    By Blogger Hassan, at 12:14 AM  

  • Leb: Syria your Mukhabarate are still spying and sabotaging in our country.

    Syr: No yours are.

    Leb: Shebaa is yours

    Syr: No it's yours (until it's liberated).

    USA: HA is a terrorist org.

    HA: No the US is.

    Nana nanana, rubber, rubber, glue, glue...

    By Blogger JoseyWales, at 3:35 AM  

  • :)

    By Blogger Moussa Bashir, at 1:54 AM  

  • And this is what goes on in front of the cameras.

    Imagine behind the scenes...

    By Blogger the perpetual refugee, at 9:00 AM  

  • PR -

    behind the scenes they are very friendly with each other.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 12:00 PM  

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