Sunday, May 07, 2006

Rules for Interviews

I've just finished watching Samir Geagea's interview on LBC (yes, I know, a few days late). Due to extreme laziness, I will not comment on the actual interview, but I would like to propose some rules so that future interviews will be more ... let's just say "more constructive".

1 - Geagea cannot be interviewed on LBC or Future TV.
2 - Hariri cannot be interviewed on LBC or Future TV.
3 - Jumblatt cannot be interviewed on LBC of Future TV.
4 - Nasrallah cannot be interviewed on Al-Manar or NBN (or OTV, whenever that comes out).
5 - Aoun cannot be interviewed on Al-Manar or NBN.



  • Aoun is being interviewed now on NTV.

    By Blogger Moussa Bashir, at 12:28 PM  

  • LOL. thanks. I knew I had forgotten a tv channel! should make for "interesting" reading tomorrow ...

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 12:39 PM  

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