Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Protest # 1283977


  • Down with poverty! Down with Zionism!

    How? We have no clue. Maybe the evil US and cowardly EU will give us money because we are cute.

    By Blogger JoseyWales, at 9:40 AM  

  • It's their right to protest. I'm glad we have the right to protest. I hope the laws continue to protect this right.

    However, it is shameful. It is shameful because it's leaders were the most outspoken about not protesting earlier. It is shameful because it's one giant political scam with absolutely no solution being discussed (and NO, Aoun as president is not a solution). It is shameful because people follow blindly and enjoy being used as pawns.

    But, I'm glad we are allowed to protest. I just wish it was done for all the right reasons.

    By Blogger the perpetual refugee, at 10:12 AM  

  • I wonder if Aoun is aware that along the way protestors were chanting "Bil rooh bil damm nafdeek ya Bashar!" more than anything else.

    By Blogger Ramzi, at 3:43 PM  

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