Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Challenge for the Coming Week!

Here's a thought:

For the coming week, starting from when you read this post (not when it is published!), try to do the following:

1 - Do not analyze everything that happens in Lebanon (or the Middle East) as a battle of the sects.

For example:

a - Sect X did this to spite Sect Y but little did they know that Sect Z would sneak in like the sly devils they usually are and win this round.

2 - Do not stamp individuals with sectarian stereotypes.

For example:

a - Oh, Omar is Sunni, so it is expected he thinks like that.

3 - When mentioning Lebanese "leaders", do not automatically append the sect they apparently represent to their name.

For example:

a - Michel Aoun, the Maronite leader.

4 - Repeat the following every morning when you wake up.

a - No to Sectarianism
b - No to Sectarianism
c - No to Sectarianism
d - etc.

And feel free to add other ideas to the comment section below.


  • About step 4, it's similar to what our national savior Saad Hariri suggested that every night and every morning we should say something like "hirryeh, wehdeh wataniyeh..." I cannot remember the slogan. Maybe I should have said it every night.

    By Blogger Hassan, at 2:09 PM  

  • lol. eh hassan, maybe you should have :P

    ... but point taken :)

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 2:14 PM  

  • walaw ya Hassan, you forgot the natioanl savior's "7a2ee2a", LOL

    "7a2ee2a, 7oriyye, we7de wataniyye"

    ahamma shee el 7a2ee2a.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:51 AM  

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