Calling for Arab Democracy
has become the topic du jour.The great Prince Talal, whose book is now plastered to the shelves of every bookstore I have been - and no, I haven't read it, nor will I probably ever read it - has stated that the Arab slogans for Arab reform are just words that need to be put into practice.
He then started using Saudi Arabia as the epitome of democracy, where all the kings and princes were elected by popular vote, and all the oil was shared among the citizens, and all minorities and foreign workers had their civil rights, and that the other nations in MENA should heed well to take the Saudi example to heart and follow it. (ok, he didn't say any of this).
Doesn't he realize that he has just joined the ranks of Arabs who just use words to discuss democracy as opposed to really implementing it? Walla, if I had the power, I would call for a fatwa on "talk" that is not PRECEDED with "action". But I don't, so I won't.
So you think fatwas are the solution to everything? :))
By Hassan, at 9:00 AM
...and Arab democracy is an oxymoron.
By Hassan, at 9:02 AM
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