Sunday, May 14, 2006

i think ...

... secularism is dead ...


  • Laz, sorry to disappoint you bur secularism is rationality and that will never die.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:17 PM  

  • well, i won't be disappointed if i am wrong - on the contrary. maybe "failed" would have been a better term ...

    however, i'm not sure i agree with your reasoning that because it is rational, it will not die. i have yet to find a way to properly map "rational thought" to the "world" ...

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 10:38 PM  

  • walla!

    By Blogger AbdulKarim, at 7:26 AM  

  • Not yet, I think!
    Dying maybe?!

    Alfaaaaaatiha, or whatever is appropriate for the situation.

    And even then:
    [innaha hayyatun fi kulubina] or is it [innaha hayyatun fina]


    By Blogger Moussa Bashir, at 9:46 AM  

  • good. maybe now people can see the light and get back to religion like bush and ahmedinejad.

    By Blogger Jamal, at 3:12 AM  

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