Tuesday, May 02, 2006

News Roundup

Date: May 2, XXXX

Maronite blah blah Shi`ite blah blah Sunni blah blah Maronite blah blah Druze blah blah Sunni blah blah Orthodox blah blah Druze blah blah Catholic blah blah Shi`ite blah blah ...


  • blah blah...now the sects you left out are going to feel left out... leave some spare blah blahs, just in case (remember the 6 by 6 mukarar) :)
    Very good one!

    By Blogger Moussa Bashir, at 7:21 AM  

  • Very biased post:

    -Why are you giving so much importance to the Maronites? It can't be the Patriarch, so you think Michel Aoun is the man?

    -The Shi'ites second? You must be kidding. It just goes to show how HA is influencing people. Pls remember that until further notice the right sequence is: Maronite blah blah/Sunni blah blah/Shi'ite blah blah.

    -The Druze twice? Don't let Jumblatt fool you. Dru... would have been sufficient.

    -You have to show more respect for our vanishing sects and mention the Orthodox and Catholics at least twice.

    i expected better from you Lazarus.

    By Blogger Ms Levantine, at 9:04 AM  

  • More or less, that's what my ears filter out of everyday news and empty talks.

    bla bla bla... blabla bla bla bla...

    Everytime someone starts to think on a Lebanese level, they drag him to the sectarian dump again.

    By Blogger lifeflaw, at 1:26 AM  

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