Sunday, May 21, 2006

Some Water Please ...

Later on, yesterday night ...

(at the bar)

Me: Hi, can I have some water?
Bartender (looks around): Oh, it's finished. We'll have some more soon.
Me: There's some water over there. (point around 2 meters from where she's standing)
B: Yes, but the bartender on that side isn't there.
Me: Ok ... do you mind going over to that side for a few seconds?
B: I can't. I need to provide people with their drinks on this side.

(I look behind me. There is no one behind me.)

Me: I don't think they'd mind if they wait a few seconds.
B: It still wouldn't be right.
Me: Do you mind if I go behind the counter?
B: I'm sorry, customers aren't allowed to do that.


Later on, walking to the car. There is a bag on the side of the sidewalk. Two girls are walking past it.

Girl 1: Look, there's a bag all alone. I wonder where the owner is.
Girl 2: Oh ... my ... God. It's probably a bomb. Go. Go.


  • Intriguing.

    By Blogger Hassan, at 1:10 PM  

  • Very.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 2:17 PM  

  • Man how did u feel? did u remain calm? I would have definitly lost my nerves there! On another note, something a bit similar happened at the library just few minutes ago which really pissed me off and i hope u don't mind if i let my steam out here.

    I was searching for a place to sit were i can plug my laptop. There are 2 desks, one at a wall with a sucket and one opposite to it and has no access to an electric sucket. At the one with the sucket there was a girl studying;she wasn't using a laptop.She didn't need the sucket.I placed my bag on the opposite desk and asked the girl with the best manner if she doesn't mind switching desks since i needed the sucket to plug my laptop and study. She refused and said she prefers to stay where she were! How selfish and inconsiderate!!! F*cking Hell!

    By Blogger AbdulKarim, at 7:29 AM  

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