Friday, February 24, 2006


I really wonder how the ministers felt yesterday. Really. What passed through Seniora's mind?


You know that something is wrong when a (biased) newspaper like Addiyar asks the questions that Seniora should have asked himself:

هل هي قصة جديدة أم مهزلة؟
هل الرئيس السنيورة منسجم مع نفسه ويطلب الاجتماع في مقر مجلس الوزراء ثم في بعبدا، ثم ‏يعتذر؟
هل شؤون الناس تدار بهذا الشكل؟

You know something is wrong when Berri asks Seniora the logical question of "how could you have asked for the session to have been held in the presidential palace and then didn't go?"

Reading the story reminded me of something I used to do when I was around ... six or seven ... I would tell my mother that I would be in the kitchen, and then go hide somewhere, and giggle as she starts looking for me ...

... except that this is slightly more serious ...

Oh well. Back to work.


  • Six or seven is too mature for what's happening!
    Oh, the years they need to reach that mental age!

    By Blogger Delirious, at 12:19 AM  

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