Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Let's Fatwa

Note: Updated Links

In the past two days two fatwa's have been issued. One of them has to do with the Danish cartoons (although the Times of India has this to say). This of course follows the 1 million dollar bounty called for by a Pakistani cleric. (Rushdie will probably have to hand over his old hideout. )

The other is a fatwa issued by Iranian clerics, which allow the possession of nuclear bombs as "a countermeasure against other nuclear powers."


In other news...

Ziad Rahbani is back on the airwaves ... you can listen to him by downloading the file found here (.rm file) ...

In an interview, Sfeir said the following: He supports the removal of Emile Lahoud via legal means (and not through public protest) ... it is preferable that the new president is not a military figure ... that he didn't agree with all that was said on the February 14 demonstration ... there is and alliance between Hezbollah, Syria and Iran ... other political issues that he should in general have no role in ... as well as an interestingly racist comment ...

It's currently sunny outside ...


  • "Ziad Rahbani is back on the airwaves"
    Where can I find him ?
    He is the best!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:24 AM  

  • Lazarus, do you have a problem with Cardinal Sfeir?

    Do you have issues, in which you need assistance?

    Racist comment? Whenever you disagree with someone do you have to accuse them of being racist?

    Please don't throw around such big words, it is very dangerous!

    Thank you

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:53 AM  

  • 1st anon: you can read part of the transcript on assafir. if i can find an audio link for it, i'll update the post.

    2nd anon: thank you for your comment.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 11:08 AM  

  • Thank you for sharing the file Laz. I hope it is as good as his old stuff.

    By Blogger AbdulKarim, at 6:48 PM  

  • Hi Lazarus,

    what did Cardinal Sfeir say that you considered rascist?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:45 AM  

  • nice zeyad thing :P

    By Blogger Hilal CHOUMAN, at 10:32 AM  

  • hi...where can i download the file to listen to ziad rahbani's latest talks on air?
    hope u can reply soon

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:36 PM  

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