another casualty.
this saturday, a family of four
drove off a damaged bridge - the mother and one of the children were killed.
drove off a damaged bridge ...
as if it isn't enough that a thousand plus were brutally murdered as israel ravaged lebanon, or that individuals are still being injured and killed and maimed with the cluster bombs israel casually littered over the south ...
it should be taken for granted that the least those "in charge" can do is to properly cordon off damaged bridges, unless of course, they too believe that "a drop of lebanese blood" is not worth much at all ...
sunday V.
(probably won't have time to do this tomorrow ... so i'll do it today.)
the rhythm of the sea.
(a lonely boat dancing near the coast in Dbayeh, Lebanon)
i know that nabih berri's proposal of having a hiwar is the topic du jour; however, i found this "breaking news" not worth much time, considering that there is no reason to repeat myself
twice on the matter.
back to the title ... this organization is a group of idf and ex-idf soldiers that have decided to speak out against the militant israeli culture. kudos to them, but they are not the point of this post. talking to one of their members however made me reflect on the symmetry between the militant culture of hezbollah and that of israel, and by "symmetry" i am not referring to actions, but rather to a mental state of mind - a "construct", if you will. i find it disturbing that those who rightly lash out at israel and it's self-defeating militarism actively support hezbollah, without criticizing various aspects of hezbollah. we must keep the long term effects of such constructs in mind and criticize accordingly. after all,it is our responsibility to speak out, as silence is an extra step towards the self-implosion of lebanon. good night.
(Baakline, Lebanon)
time to unfocus.
(Antelias, Lebanon)
"Coalitions of the unwilling" - The Economist
A short yet
interesting read.
almost there.
fog in the city
"you should support aoun. he's different."
Unfortunately, I can only disagree with that.
the t-shirt
i've had this t-shirt (no to sectarianism) on the sidebar for some time now, but haven't explicitly advertised it yet. it's the first time i actually use cafepress, and i wanted to first buy a t-shirt and test it out. so far, it hasn't dissapointed. on that note, thanks to those who already bought some. i've heard back from some; for the rest, i hope you liked your orders.
the t-shirt (and the other products in the cafepress store) is non-profit. it's based on a logo i made way back in the day, which some other blogs have used. that specific logo wasn't "print" quality, so i had to wait till i had more time to create a more presentable version of it.
anyways, the store can be accessed
here. there are various t-shirt designs, and a few other items with the logo; the picture below is of the t-shirt i bought, which you can use as a data point.
october 13, 1990
Antoine Tannous|Adjudant Chef
Ghazi Sleiman|Adjudant
Tanios Youssef|Sergent Chef
Tony Awad|Sergent Chef
Tony Ghnadour|Sergent Chef
Simon Awad|Soldat
Joseph Dawoud|Sergent Chef
Majed Kataya|Sergent Chef
Georges Aaweiny|Sergent Chef
Emile Youssef|Sergent
Elie Elias|Caporal
Halim Moawad|Sergent
Nabil Mkeri|Sergent
Habib Youness|Adjudant
Joseph Jreij|Caporal
Michael Farah|Caporal
Youssef Harb|Caporal
Elias Holo el Barrak|Soldat
Elias Antoine El Barrak|Soldat
Boutros Daccache|Soldat
Khayrallah Ambaz|Soldat
Mahmoud Noun|Caporal
Elie Salameh|Caporal
Hani Abdo|Sergent
Hassan Merii|Soldat
Rock Jabbour|Caporal
Albert Tannous|Capitaine
Georges Nasrallah|Lieutenant
Aamer Bayee
Ali Chbib|Eleve officier
Haydar Ghandour|Caporal
Hanna Abou Malhab|Sergent Chef
Maurice Salemeh|Sergent
Fady Abdel Karim|Sergent Chef
Semaan Adam|Soldat
Akram Hanna|Sergent Chef
Boutros Yammine|Sergent
Ghassan Ali|Soldat
Samir Estephan|Caporal
Gaby Makhlouf|Soldat
Oussama el Ferkh|Soldat
Kassem Saleh|Soldat
Johny Maroun|Sergent Chef
Ahmad el moujeh|Soldat
Edmond Makhoul|Sergent
Nadim Metri|Adjudant
Chahine Chahine|Sergent
Camille Rizk|Sergent Chef
Ohaness Arsalian|Soldat
Cheelen el Bitar|Sergent Chef
Bassam Chahine|Sergent Chef
Marwan el Zoghby|Sergent Chef
Claude Hitti|Sergent Chef Ansar
Ghassan Abou Abssi|Sergent Chef
Pierre Youssef|Eleve officier
Rabih Abou Zeidan|Eleve officier
Imad Salemeh|Soldat
Walid el Eechek|Soldat
Ramez Sarkis|Soldat
Eugene Abou Zeidan|Aspirant Chef
Camille Makhlouf|Adjudant Chef
Georges Chamooun|Sergent Chef
Maroun Abdo|Adjudant Chef
Raymond Hadchiti|Sergent
Fares Wakim|Caporal
Zayd Freiha|Sergent
Maroun Youness|Adjudant
Joseph Rached|Adjudant Chef
Georges Esshak|Adjudant
Nabil Fares|Sergent Chef
Rony Abi Nakkoul|Caporal
Elias El Kady|Sergent
Ibrahim Iid|Sergent Chef
Souheil Rizk|Sergent Chef
Walid Abou Saad|Soldat
Ohaness Badressuan|Soldat
Mahmoud el Hdchini|Sergent Chef
Charbel Hneini|Sergent Chef
Georges Lattouf|Sergent Chef
Ronald Salameh|Caporal
Farid Freiha|Sergent
Georges Zooroub|Commandant
Maroun Hnoud
Claude Matta|Soldat
Georges Moussa|Soldat
Georges Ouassi|Commandant
Walid Kherawi|Capitaine
"One owes respect to the Living. To the Dead, one owes only Truth."
- Voltaire.
unfortunately ... a sign of what may come.
yesterday's clash "over illegal housing" ... or so was said.
"arms without borders" has released some very interesting
figures, which include:
- Global military spending is estimated to exceed $1 trillion this year - roughly 15 times annual international aid expenditure.
- There are enough bullets in the world to shoot all 6 billion of us twice.
more information can be found in their
report. all very fascinating ... sadistically speaking of course.