Wednesday, December 20, 2006

copyright infringement!

several months ago, right after the war, i published a post which had a modified version of the lebanese flag. (link to flag)

today, while walking somewhere around 5 minutes from Sodeco, I came across this.

considering that the resemblance in the flags is uncanny (there is a main difference though), and that i clearly came up with the concept first, i believe i am entitled to some credit.

who should i contact? advice from lawyers, for once, is welcome.


  • What are gonna do ? Sue Hezbollah for copyright infringement ? Are you gonna ask for punitive damages ? LOL

    I can already see the headlines in the Western Press : "Blogger takes on Party of God", "Intellectual property Laws latest victims of Mid East Terrorism." "David Lazarus vs Goliath Nasrallah"

    Seriously, it will make an interesting case study at the Harvard Law School

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:56 AM  

  • my non-lawyer advice: the use of the lebanese flag, even if distorted, by Hezbollah, is compensation enough... ba3den they went even further: they kept the cedar tree! eno kattir khayroun kamen!

    By Blogger Maya@NYC, at 10:08 PM  

  • I really like this flag. :-P

    It's better than the on where the HezbAllah logo smashes the cedar or something, have you seen that one? :-)

    Al-muqawama baqiya baqiya baqiya, wal7ukuma (al-ma7kuma?? :-P) bakiya bakiya bakiya. :-D

    By Blogger Angry Anarchist, at 11:51 PM  

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