Monday, October 16, 2006

the t-shirt


i've had this t-shirt (no to sectarianism) on the sidebar for some time now, but haven't explicitly advertised it yet. it's the first time i actually use cafepress, and i wanted to first buy a t-shirt and test it out. so far, it hasn't dissapointed. on that note, thanks to those who already bought some. i've heard back from some; for the rest, i hope you liked your orders.

the t-shirt (and the other products in the cafepress store) is non-profit. it's based on a logo i made way back in the day, which some other blogs have used. that specific logo wasn't "print" quality, so i had to wait till i had more time to create a more presentable version of it.

anyways, the store can be accessed here. there are various t-shirt designs, and a few other items with the logo; the picture below is of the t-shirt i bought, which you can use as a data point.


  • explicit is always good. especially for the non-focused.

    i'll let you know how mine turned out :)

    By Blogger Laila K, at 10:18 AM  

  • cool. hope you like it. spread the word :)

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 7:26 PM  

  • hello it's sabine,it's my first time here.i was attracted by the t-shirt,cause that's what i am tryin to explain for our generation.we need to be conscient that none of those that pretend to be a "za3im" is a real one..i hope i can get to know more about this website.if anyone can give me an idea here's my email

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:13 PM  

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