Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New 1000 L.L.

More here.


  • Thought of scanning it a month ago, then this afternoon, and I was wondering, why hasn't anybody scanned and posted this new 1000. Have you seen it? It has the size and looks of "monopoly money". Allah yirzi2...

    By Blogger Moussa Bashir, at 10:41 AM  

  • loool bashir i was about to write pretty much the EXACT same thing!!

    i've only gotten one in circulation so far, it's just soo weird and tiny and fake-looking. does anyone know if there are plans to redo the rest of the bills? the new 1000 just um, doesn't go.

    By Blogger cfw, at 10:57 AM  

  • I hated it too!

    By Blogger Delirious, at 12:11 PM  

  • yalla, at least the size helps blind people know what they are holding in their hands.

    ana im still not over el 10 alef el mauve el helweh, and how they replaced it with the ugly yellow one.

    By Blogger Eve, at 1:07 PM  

  • Huh? what is Lebanese about it?!

    By Blogger AM, at 11:03 AM  

  • is that the phoenician alphabet in the background? I cannot make it out, but fear the worst ;)

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:00 AM  

  • yup :)

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 5:38 PM  

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