Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Few Details from Lebanon ... and some Ziad

I am no longer suprised by the verbal splurges some of our so-called-leaders utter. A certain "group" (of a sectarian nature) of politicans (consisting of some war-criminals) have questioned another political party (also consisting of some war-criminals) if they have a plan for a Shia state in Lebanon. Not only is this a rhetorical question of no value and of a purely dogmatic nature, it is also representative of how the former group will never rise to power simply because they continue to play the new political game with outdated rules ...

In other news, a the son of a president who was assassinated 24 years ago has declared that this president was the solution to Lebanon during a commemoration. We will never know, although I'm willing to bet that things will only advance once we stop seeking a single solution. However, I must admit, it is quite interesting to see Nadim point and wave his finger the same way his father once did ...

Apparently Syria has claimed that it will stop supplying Lebanon with electricity. The Childish Games continue. Pierre Sadek's take on that was quite amusing ...

Anyway, regardless of all the endless details, one this is for sure: Interesting times are ahead of us.

For now, we can make do with some Ziad Rahbani. "Angry Arab" has linked to a letter Ziad wrote to Saad ...


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