Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Two Games Left

Technically, there are three games, but who watches the game that determines "third place?" Miroslav Klose was like a fish out of water trying to score goals with his foot instead of his head, and I'm almost 100% sure Francesco Totti has taken acting classes in the art of diving. People in Berlin cried, in Rome cheered, and in Beirut those who did not support Germany celebrated by clogging the streets for the rest of the night. Classy. Out of everyone I know, my sister was probably the smartest in choosing which team she'll support: "I'm with the team that wins."

Moving on. I've been watching the games here on Univision and on ESPN; mostly on Univision because Mexican commentators are just fun to listen to. I heard yesterday that ART on Dish Network has some interesting commercials from the FBI and the US Army: "Join us, we need translators, etc. Join now, and you'll get $10,000 and a greencard." I wonder, are these ads just played on ART America, or all over the Middle East?

Saad Hariri is now busy suing Sleiman Franjieh for speaking like a thug, the army has not arrested anyone in the mini-clash that took place between supporters of esteemed demi-gods, and Nasrallah ... man, I don't even know where to start with Nasrallah. Meanwhile, the plan for reforms is all but shelved; last I heard, the point of politics is to discuss these reforms and adapt them as needed (simplistically speaking), but I suppose our gangsters-turned-war-criminals-turned-politicians know better.

Anyway, enough of that. Enjoy July 4th for those in the US, enjoy tomorrow's match, and see you in a couple of days.


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