Monday, July 03, 2006

Make Sfeir President

1 - He participates in politics more often than the current president.

2 - He appears in the news on a daily basis. In fact, he is quoted more than most politicians are.

3 - People believe he makes a great ambassador for Lebanon.

4 - He is of the right sect in our wonderfully constructive "confessional" system.

5 - etc.


  • And yet our traditional politicians miss another opportunity to do the right thing and demonstrate some political maturity and an appreciation of real democracy by being on the correct side of history. How come no one came to the defense of Suleiman Franjieh when he dared or maybe when he had the temerity to critisize Bishop Bechara and the Patriarch? Mr. Franjieh was viciously attacked by Nassib Lahoud and many others not on the basis of his criticism but because of whom his criticism was directed towards. How immature and childish of Nassib Lahoud who wants to be a President?
    I do not agree with the policies and ideas of Suleiman Franjeih but I will fight for his right to express his ideas freely even , or maybe especially, when they are directed against Sfeir.
    I only wish that more Lebanese will critisize Sfeir, Nassrallah, the Mufti and other men of the cloth.It is time that we relegate the clergy to its traditional role of spiritual guidance for the ones that seek it and above allto pronounce the death of religious institutions as sacred cows if we are to ever enjoy the blessings of a thriving democracy.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:03 AM  

  • Religion and State should be separated in Lebanon.

    By Blogger Ali, at 3:12 AM  

  • Great idea. I really wonder how many Maronites would actually support electing Sfeir as president. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:23 AM  

  • actually sam, it is anything BUT a great idea. this post was written in complete sarcasm. and vp, he may be respectable, but he should not be a politician.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 8:38 AM  

  • "this post was written in complete sarcasm" was my comment laz!

    BTW, I also wonder how many non-Maronites support electing Sfeir. And I mean people, not parliament.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:41 AM  

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