Saturday, July 01, 2006

I take it all back! and other tales ...

> Back in the day, I compared the national dialogue session to the Godfather meeting (in Part I). I take it back. At least those thugs cared about their own "families".

> It's one thing being asked "Inta ma3 meen" when I'm in Lebanon but its quite another thing being asked that on the other side of the world by a Lebanese I've only just met - and no, they weren't asking about which football team I supported.

> Driving an SUV automatically implies that you have NO right to complain about the rising gasoline prices.

> Brazil lost? hahaha. So who is 98.76% of the Middle East going to support now?


  • :-)

    By Blogger Moussa Bashir, at 1:21 AM  

  • I once compared our politicians to prostitutes.

    Like you, I want to take it back. Prostitutes are often competent professionals who provide a valuable public service.

    As to the 98.76%, they quickly will find another loser to back.

    By Blogger JoseyWales, at 4:59 AM  

  • Italy 2 - Germany 0,

    God help the next team our guys decide to back. Uncanny ability to pick a loser.

    By Blogger JoseyWales, at 2:40 PM  

  • what a game!!

    if france wins tomorrow's game, i think they'll go all the way.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 3:54 PM  

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