Saturday, June 24, 2006

FPM Direct Voting System

Michel Aoun may be a self-worshipping, hypocritical, illogical, and delusional "leader", but over the past year, some (some, and definitely not most) of FPM's stances deserve a minimal semblance of respect, as does this one.


  • Could you please explain clearly what is it that you are refering to? Why do the by laws in question deserve a minimal semblence of respect? Are you suggesting that all it takes to accept the views of a politician is to be a member of a democratic party? You cannot be serious.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:35 PM  

  • Laz, I agree with you.

    By Blogger Moussa Bashir, at 11:55 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger Hassan, at 10:15 AM  

  • Laz,

    I agree with Bashir.

    Anon 8:35,

    Who said anything about accepting Aoun's views? Is there something we missed?

    By Blogger Hassan, at 10:17 AM  

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