"This ain't gonna work out"
I spend alot of time "observing people". I take my work, go sit in a local cafe, and end up not working, since the quirks of those sitting around me are just too interesting to pass up. Just think ... if all this time was put to something more useful ... I could probably conquer the world ... although I'm sure there are a few acquaintances who are glad I haven't done that yet ...But enough of that. Here's something that I watched unfold during one of these "observations". And just as a warning to those who are expecting something profound ... this post really has no point.
Two tables across from me a couple sat - the guy had a shaved head and a light goatee (a look I don't understand) and kept talking and talking while the girl (who was quite pretty) just smiled and listened. On the table next to them sat an old lady writing some notes down. Suddenly, she looks across to the couple and says
Lady: Excuse me, are you a student?
Bald Guy: Yes.
L: What do you study?
BG: I'm a doctoral student in Modern Thought.
L: Modern Thought? What exactly is "Modern Thought"?
BG: It's a theme that began with a German philosopher called Nietzsche ...
L: Oh, it's just philosophy. It's interesting you call it "Modern Thought." I give seminars on thought.
BG: Really? And what do you discuss?
L: Well, the problem today is that everyone thinks the same. People don't know how to think differently. You look around ... everyone dresses the same, speaks the same, eats the same ... and I teach those who attend my seminars how think differently and independently. It wasn't always like this. I used to go to this university back in the day, and we were all free thinkers. Now, if someone thinks differently, that person will be shunned.
BG: Well, it isn't exactly that bad.
L: Yes. Yes it is. Just look around you. No one is different. Everyone has the same ideas.
BG: Well, maybe that's true. But you can always sneak your ideas in.
L: You definitely can sneak ideas in. But then you get taken to jail. For example, you two are acting according to the most standard cliche. I've been watching you two since you sat down. You do all the talking. She hasn't said a word, and has patiently listened to you.
BG: That's not true.
L: Yes it is. And you know why? You won't let her talk. You're so enamored with your "Modern Thought" that you think everyone has to follow your "Modern Thought." You're holding a gun to her head, "Professor".
BG: A gun?
L: Yeah, a gun. You're doing all the talking. You're shooting down her ideas. You should come to one of my seminars, and you'll see what you're heading into, "Professor".
BG: I'm not exactly a professor yet.
L: You will be. You fit the part perfectly. She'll be a good choice for you. I don't know what she wants, but more importantly, I doubt you know what she wants. But you know what you want. And with that gun of "modern thought", she will come to believe that she also wants what you want. Anyway, I have to get going now. You took care now, "Professor". You take care now, "Professor"'s girlfriend. You know, I have tell you. This just ain't gonna work out (pointing at the couple). It's not going to be much fun. You may think I'm a crackpot now, but you'll eventually understand what I'm saying...
I'm curious to know what the girl said in response to the old lady
By Mustapha, at 2:42 AM
Good habits and a good post.
By Hassan, at 3:28 AM
Thinking is soooo B.C.
By Jamal, at 4:16 AM
The old lady sounds like a telemarketer or a motivational speaker.
By J., at 7:07 AM
the girl said nothing during that conversation. interestingly, after the woman went, the bald guy did let her talk.
By Lazarus, at 7:27 AM
I think that woman is right.
By Delirious, at 11:47 PM
Imagine having the courage to tell a stranger what you understand from having watched and listened.
By Di Mackey, at 8:48 AM
I wouldn't have appreciated that if i was the bald guy for sure.
The post is interesting as pointless as it is. Good one Laz!
By AbdulKarim, at 3:09 PM
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