Friday, March 10, 2006

Hmmm ...

I just realized that I have around a week off in around 10 days ... so the current dilemma is: where to go? Boston? Southern California? Las Vegas? Seattle? ...


  • come to baltimore! :)

    In fact, you'll get a chance to visit at least three great cities:

    1. B-more
    2. The capital
    3. Philly

    And if you want to be even more adventurous, you can go up to New York, and take a train to Boston!

    That oughta fill up your week!

    By Blogger Raja, at 11:49 AM  

  • Raja, I cannot believe the depth of your hatred for Lazarus. Come to Baltimore? 3 great cities? I am emailing the Bloggers Human Rights Commission to complain.

    By Blogger Ms Levantine, at 12:05 PM  

  • Nashville y'all. Music city USA is the only way to go.

    By Blogger Fouad, at 8:26 PM  

  • Miami, hands down!! A true vacation with lots to do in addition to being able to just sit back and relax.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:18 AM  


    sit back, relax, turn up the volume on your speakers, and move the picture by clicking on the arrow to your bottom right :)

    By Blogger Delirious, at 12:43 AM  

  • Utah.

    By Blogger Jamal, at 2:11 AM  

  • I hope you enjoy your vacation. Don't forget the camera, come back with photos. ;)

    By Blogger lifeflaw, at 3:28 AM  

  • east coast will probably be a summer trip. Utah?? hmmm. thanks for your suggestions y'all. and ahmad, if this trip does happen, i surely will take pics.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 10:06 AM  

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