Monday, March 13, 2006

A Proposal

Chibli Mallat suggested that the round-table discussions, a.k.a. al-hiwar, should be broadcast on TV for all to see. That seems like an interesting proposal - although I'm leaning towards that becoming more of a football match, with each "captain" at the table wearing his color of choice, and his fans back home cheering them on. What do you think? Would you like it to be aired live?

On a sidenote, Armand Homsi (from annahar) has been outdoing himself with his caricatures:


  • I have another proposal: drop everything and do whatever is necessary to answer a goddam simple question:

    Are the Shebaa Farms in Lebanon or not?

    Two stupid (and granted incompetent) governments (Leb and Syr), the UN, and ex-colonial powers, satellite pictures etc is not enough to get an answer in 10 days or so??

    I know the issue is a red herring and some other red herring will come up, but why not shoot them down one at a time, and yes in public, on TV

    By Blogger JoseyWales, at 8:24 AM  

  • I say air the dialogue life. At least we can know then why we can't find an answer to JOsey's question.

    By Blogger AbdulKarim, at 12:09 PM  

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