Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Usurping "Hiwar"

*Armand Homsi - Annahar

In my opinion - the biggest failure isn't the lack of headway in the hiwar (which was expected), but rather the idea that hiwar should not be ongoing. It is normal for people to constantly meet and discuss, but it is abnormal for them to insult each other on TV and local speeches, and then to decide that meeting once face to face is a great achievement.


  • Excellent cartoon, tks. For the rest, I unfortunately agree with you. Samir Kassir once wrote in the Nahar that it is wrong to call Lebanon a Banana Republic because we don't even have bananas. But we have a lot of monkeys and they need to be fed.

    By Blogger Ms Levantine, at 10:49 AM  

  • I just came back from Italy and I was asking for directions from an old man called Silvano. He asked me where I was from, I said, "America," I thought he meant where do I live. He shook his head and said, "no, no, where are you really from?" I said, "Lebanon." He said, "oh, boom boom country," and walked away.

    I wish I had a clever reply to him other than an embarassed, "yep, boom boom country."

    But that's okay, now I don't like Italians!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:23 PM  

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