Friday, March 03, 2006

'Tis just another day ...

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Rival Lebanese leaders failed on Friday to bridge sharp differences over the fate of pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud and the disarming of Hizbollah guerrillas at a second day of talks to end Lebanon's political crisis.

Political sources said heated debate raged between Muslim and Christian leaders, both pro- and anti-Syrian, at a "national dialogue conference" at parliament in the largest such gathering since the end of the 1975-1990 civil war.

"Dialogue was comprehensive..., responsible, serious and extremely frank," Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, who is convening the meeting, said after nearly six hours of talks.

"These issues take time because these thorough discussions are taking place for the first time. I believe the results, God willing, will be good."

The conference, which started on Thursday and reconvenes on Saturday, could last for up to a week.

After quickly agreeing on Thursday on backing a U.N. inquiry into the killing of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri 13 months ago and an international trial for any suspects, the talks moved to more divisive issues, namely the fate of Lahoud who is opposed by the anti-Syrian parliamentary majority.

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*Picture: Reuters


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