Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I've created a simple anti-sectarian sign that I've had on my sidebar for the past several days (I've made my views on sectarianism clear at the end of this post). If you share a similar view for the future of our nation, or if you for some quirky reason find this sign "cute", then please take it, copy it, post it, etc, within approximate bounds as outlined by the creative commons license (of course, if you miraculously find a way to use this commercially, the license becomes void as long as you let me know ...).

In addition, I've added a links section, powered by Furl, on the sidebar, which will continuously be updated as days go by, even if I'm not posting.

Finally, for those connected to my site feed, I've opened up a feed with Feedburner, which provides more options ...

... and yes, I am still shocked with that coincidence yesterday. The oracles I have contacted are still arguing over its meaning. No answers yet I'm afraid.


  • Laz,
    I do not know how much of an entrepreneur you are but I believe that your sign might have a few commercial applications such as T-shirts, buttons, posters etc... This could be the equivalent of "love it or Leave it" ... Strike when the iron is hot:-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:30 PM  

  • Concerning the sign on the left, use the orginal, 'smooth' it (it's a function available in most graphic design software) and save it as jpeg.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:57 PM  

  • walla ghassan, that is quite an interesting idea. i'm going to follow it up :)

    vp: saving it as a jpeg means that the background can't be transparent, i believe, which is why i left it as a gif (and i intentionally 'unsmoothed' it).

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 10:26 PM  

  • Forget about the commercial application Laz. It's not worth it, trust me. It defies the purpose of blogs which is to provide good content (whether writings or graphics) for free.

    When I did my Moslems-against-terrorism banner, I could have made a big commercial hit, but I chose not to because it will take away from the cause and will seem as if I'm doing it for the money, not because I believe in it..

    But if you still are interested in commercializing it, café press is the best place for doing it..

    Also, if you need a good quality icon that has a transparent background, the best format would be a .png . If you don't know how to do it, I can do it for you free of charge :)

    hope that was helpful..

    By Blogger Mustapha, at 2:52 AM  

  • hey mustapha, nice to see you're back!

    you have a point on the comm. application, but I was thinking of something along the lines of donating the profits to some organization, assuming of course, it sells :)

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 7:51 AM  

  • laz- i like it , but i think it needs to be modified slightly as it could be mistaken for "طاغية" which is the nickname du jour for assad. then again that might be a more popular cause.

    By Blogger Jamal, at 10:46 AM  

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