Friday, February 10, 2006

I think it might be time to restart ...

... my link of the day section (or of the week, depending on time). How else am I going to link to stories like this?

Apparently, Michael Jackson can't afford to pay his staff in his Neverland ranch ... and to add to his worries, the son of the king of bahrain has basically kicked him out ...

... and there seems to be a conspiracy going around that Israel is responsible for the current Danish Cartoon episode. Some people (and this is a small minority - I hope - but it seems like something that could catch on) have taken articles such as this and use it as evidence that Israel, in order to divert attention and whatnot, instigated the current outrage ...

... and I probably shouldn't tell you how good the weather has been in the past three days. It's winter, and people are sunbating out on the lawns ...


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