A Lebanese Southpark
In the usual trend of placing blame, several of our politicians have invoked the ultimate explanation of blaming Syria. Yes, many of the demonstrators were Syrian/Palestinian. Yes, there was probably Syrian incitement. But some were also Lebanese. And there was also Lebanese responsibility.In mainly analyzing the demography of the thugs involved in yesterday's hell, these politicians completely miss the point - that there is something wrong in the state of Lebanon.
Because of this fascination with Syria, and a blind eye with regards to other important factors (at the expense of none other but the Lebanese public), I have come to the conclusion that these politicians have watched Southpark.
Seriously. How else could the tune they sing be so close to that of the famous song "Blame Canada".
(Just read the slightly modified lyrics below.)
Times have changed,
Our kids are getting worse
They won't obey their parents,
They just want to fart and curse.
Should we blame the government, or blame society,
or should we blame the images on tv No!
Blame Syria! Blame Syria
With all their beady little eyes,
their flapping heads so full of lies
Blame Syria!
Blame Syria!
We need to form a full assault,
it's Syria's fault!
Don't blame me, for my son Stan, He saw the darn cartoon,
and now he's off to
join the klan! And my boy eric once,
had my picture on his shelf, but now when I see him,
he tells me to fuck myself.
Well, Blame Syria!
It seems that everything's gone wrong since
Syria came along
Blame Syria!
Blame Syria!
They're not even a real country anyway.
My son could of been a doctor or a lawyer, it's a true,
Instead he burned up like a piggie on a barbecue.
Should we blame the matches?
Should we blame the fire, or the doctor who allowed him to expire.
Heck no!
Blame Syria!
Blame Syria!
With all their hockey hubaloo and that bitch Anne Murray too.
Blame Syria!
Shame on Syria!
The smut we must stop
The trash we must smash
Laughter and fun
must all be undone
We must blame them and cause a fuss
Before somebody thinks of blaming us!
*Disclaimer: I am not exonerating Syria. At all. But I also don't think that constantly blaming Syria vindicates our responsibility and the government's responsibility, etc.
Rather simplistic don't you think?
Anonymous, at 12:11 AM
As I have stated so many times before and in slightly different words it is crucial that we admit that in the final analysis it is not Israel, Syria, Saudi Arabia, The Us or France that is to blame but it is us. We choose to sell our services and cooperate with others at the expense of what should be our self interest. "I met the enemy and it is us".
Anonymous, at 6:28 AM
i can not find southpark anywhere on TV here.
Then again i only get 10 minutes of TV time a day.
Jamal, at 6:58 AM
Lazarus, you are so right.
When one admits responsibility ,then it follows that they have to take some action to rectify their problem or make changes so that there is not a reoccurence.
Our politicians are content with the status quo and there will be no progress while they rule.
Anonymous, at 3:21 PM
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