Monday, October 31, 2005

The Dinner Game

Also known as Le Diner de Cons. I've just finished watching this movie, but there is no way to explain how much I laughed during it. This is one of the funniest movies I have seen in several months ... I really advise you to try to rent it. Enjoy.


  • hmmm.. i need a good comedy... Is it in french? does it have english subtitles??


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:25 AM  

  • Yes, it has english subtitles.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 6:59 AM  

  • Well, enjoy both movies :) I've heard about Paradise Now, and how it tries to make the point that in suicide bombing, religion is just ceremony. Should be interesting to watch.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 3:03 PM  

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