Friday, October 28, 2005
Sparkles in souls that had long been locked away came to in a surge of power as hands tried to reach the heavens. The horizon could finally be seen, the sky cloudless, the darkest holes in the darkest corners began to brim with water as past oppression dripped away. It was once that the streets had no shades, and the whispers no words, yet this surreal day finally painted all and made every murmur meaningful. Everywhere, the people turned their heads in all directions, soaking in this new life they were suddenly infinitely living. Even the lowly animals stood like kings as revelations of an afterlife dawned on them with indescribable comprehension. People felt strong. A new life was born. Windows were constantly open. Then, as summers came and winters past, the sun painfully dimmed, and burnt itself, as it slithered into the west pulling out a curtain behind it. The windows closed, and from that time hence, there was no light. There was no life. There was only the thought of the horizon that could no longer be seen, the sky that could no longer be placed. Dreams and hopes were shattered. Yet their pieces remained, waiting, waiting to be molded together.
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