Monday, October 31, 2005


Robert Fisk has a great article in which he says

For as someone who has to look at the eviscerated corpses of Palestine and Israel, the murdered bodies in the garbage heaps of Iraq, the young women shot through the head in the Baghdad morgue, I can only shake my head in disbelief at the sheer, unadulterated, lazy bullshit - let’s call a spade a spade - which is currently emerging from our great leaders.
But today we seem to live on two levels: reality and myth. Let’s start with the reality
Alas. Like Peter Pan, our leaders wish to be forever young, forever childish, and forever ready to play in their bloodless sandpits - at our expense.

He also has an interesting article about the normalization of relations between Gulf States and Israel. Of course, this doesn't always reflect the people's desires.

*As a sidenote - for those who do live in the Bay Area (California), Robert Fisk is going to give a lecture on November the 20th.


  • Lazarus
    You should also read this great Fisk Interview

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:56 PM  

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