Broken Promises ...
If you have seen No Man’s Land, you would have seen, in action, the UN’s uselessness. True, this is just a movie, but there have been enough real life events that have seen the UN fail.
A friend of mine, L, would argue otherwise. In L’s view, the UN does benefit the world. The current MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) aim at improving the nature of life, and L argues that the leaders of various countries are adamant about meeting them, even if they have a slightly modified timeline. Parts of the UN, such as the UNDP, do help the world, ease poverty, provide assistance, etc. L does mention that it needs renovation, and as a volunteer in the 60th General Assembly, says that the UN, including the current presiding president, is willing to change.
Yet the UN has failed in the same way the League of Nations failed decades ago. Regardless of its already atrophied credibility, it lacks authority. Injustice cannot be filtered.
Outside the building in New York, the following is carved:
They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war any more.
Sadly, violence is still the mean. Peace is only the result of life’s randomness. Haile Selassie put it best in his speech to the UN.
When Kofi Annan first took helm of the UN, I was impressed by his speeches, which I am still am. Yet he has been talking for too long. I have seen El Baradei – the director general of the IAEA – speak about the need for nuclear disarmament, yet only a select few are being forced to disarm. When words lack actions, the people issuing them lack substance. This is the UN’s tragic flaw.
And what of Annan and his son?
What of the Uzbekistan massacre?
What of the Darfour Genocide?
A few years ago, the world was in an uproar of Enron and WorldCom – two companies that twisted the logic of financial auditing. Shouldn’t there be political auditing? To improve the world, you have to be better than it. The UN is just a reflection of the current reality. If it is ever to be successful - if humanity is ever to be successful - then it keep in mind the following quote:
Today the eyes of all people are truly upon us - and our governments, in every branch, at every level, national, state and local, must be as a city upon a hill - constructed and inhabited by men aware of their grave trust and their great responsibilities.
Till then ... the following sign, which was hung across the street from the UN in New York, will be valid.
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