There are times when I feel that humans could do better. I don’t want to believe that we are born evil. Yet, every now and then, something happens, and my vision is glazed with the sad acceptance that humanity is inhumane. And for cathartic reasons, I will to try write, even when words have left my fingers. Things like this are usually written in minutes, and are raw, and rough.Before this blog, everything used to get shoved into a drawer, only looked at months down the line, and most thrown out. But I have decided, for better or for worse, to store them here.
Enraged clouds banish
The heated sun from view.
We watch and wait
And watch as the winds roar,
Shattering buildings into dust.
Our screams melt
Before they are heard.
We watch and seek shelter,
But shards of glass coat the ground.
And all bridges lead nowhere.
All gates are shut.
We do not want this, but
We watch, huddling as one.
If only this were Armageddon,
Then the one hope we could have
Was that this would happen but once.
Yet memories sear our dreams
As we again watch our lives lived for us
By the masters of our fate.
Even the heavens look down,
The sadness in its eyes
Slices through our souls.
We watch, for that is all we can do.
As deafening fire crashes through our lands,
We only desire to be saved.
Cracked Earth. Crashing Oceans.
There is not a savior to be found.
Treacherous pasts have set on our future,
And we watch and wither and watch.
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