Thursday, December 14, 2006

mini-comment: harb and sfeir.

yesterday, boutros harb said that cardinal sfeir should choose the swing minister if the government is updated and expanded into a "new and improved" structure. excluding the notion that this new formula of 19-1-10 (thrown on another heap of failed and ill-fit lebanese formulas that only achieve short-term stability, as opposed to long-term) already is "odd", it should be stated that harb's suggestion is also "odd." just a mini-comment.


  • Watch for the swing guy to receive big time bribes from one side and and big time threats from the other.

    This can only be a very, very short term bad idea solution in the land of the fool.

    The Taef/elections/Kalb-Lahoud system is broken and needs to be fixed yesterday.

    By Blogger JoseyWales, at 2:40 PM  

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