Thursday, December 07, 2006

has the church spoken again?

apparently, yes. the country is now saved.

seriously now, i have a question that has very little to do with anything. does anyone know of any surveys / research done on the correlation between successful democracies and sustainable economies, using experimental data? what about direction of causality between those two, if it exists? all i've been able to find are theories, but those don't always fit reality's mold. thanks.

also, i won't be posting over the next few days. traveling to lebanon usually does that.

finally, i'll leave you with one of my favorite strips ...


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    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:29 AM  

  • Don't be so small-minded. Who says something must be empirically true before we can believe it :)

    Personally, I have always "felt" there to be a high correlation between female reproductive rights and economic sustainability. While Bkirki might not have my back on that one, isn't my feeling or believing it to be so good enough?

    Happy trails ...

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:49 AM  

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