Wednesday, December 13, 2006

way too much faith.

All we want is a unity government, with or without Siniora. If Sayyed Hassan accepts a unity government with Siniora, then we accept it too. After all, he has our best interests [at heart].

However, I doubt very much our leaders would accept any compromise solutions because they are doing this for our benefit.

"We are against this government because they are not working for the Lebanese," he said. "If Hizbullah was not working for the Lebanese, then we would be against them, and we would be sitting here protesting against them too."
but the one that brought a smile to my face, and one that seems to be echoed by our wonderfully esteemed leaders and citizens, is this:

I really hope that Moussa can give us a solution that will end all the problems in Lebanon.


  • To these guys, Hassounah is papa and Amr Moussa is mama. They'll take care of everything and we'll be fine.

    By Blogger JoseyWales, at 7:19 AM  

  • Laz,

    politics anywhere is not for the pure of heart ... i sympathize with the lebanese lament, but please do tell where on this earth such is the exception, and not the rule ...

    Perhaps with some of the world's more talented propagandists (whether they broadcast from Haret Hreik or Foggy Bottom), the political outlines are less clear ... But, it is the mud i see here, there, everywhere ...

    By Blogger Unknown, at 7:42 AM  

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