Tuesday, September 05, 2006

maybe it's just time we GREW up ...

It's that time of year again when Middle Eastern pundits parameterize Lebanon solely with regional variables, ignoring the not-so-ignorable effect local players have on past events, present politics, and future potential. Although the eastern dictator/assassin and the southern criminal are important, it is fundamental to comprehend that regional winds manufactured by Iran, Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia, USA, France, ad infinitum are not absolute, and that Lebanese issues (economy, stability, security, etc.) do not hinge purely on external factors.

In other words: "Lebanese" must stop blaming others. Maybe it's time we grew up and attempted solving our own problems ...

... otherwise, even if individual problems are solved, Lebanon would not be a sustainable state due to the non-existent internal mechanism required to deal with such problems.


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