"Operation Just Reward" / "Operation Change of Direction" / "Operation ?"
This is a list of civilian deaths/injuries. If numbers have changed, please let me know, and I will update ASAP. This post is staying at the top of this blog.Note: I have not had access to Internet over the past two days, so I am going to open the comments section. I will not accept any comments that have nothing to do with the reason of this post: keeping a cold tally of the number dead and wounded in the two countries. Please, if you have different numbers, or updated ones, post them below in the comment section. Any other comments will be deleted.
Final note: These statistics are only for Lebanese and Israeli CIVILIANS. Do not include Hezbollah or IDF dead.
July 14, 2006, 7:30 pm:
Lebanese Dead: ~ 62
Lebanese Wounded: > 165
July 18, 2006:
Lebanese Dead: > 260 (AP, AFP)
Israeli Dead: > 16 (Haaretz, Jerusalem Post)
Israeli Dead: ~ 2
Israeli Wounded: > 120
July 14, 2006, 10 pm:
Lebanese Dead: ~ 73
Lebanese Wounded: > 165 (?)
Israeli Dead: ~ 4
Israeli Wounded: > 120 (?)
July 15, 2006:
Lebanese Dead: > 100
Lebanese Wounded: ? (no accurate info available now)
Israeli Dead: 4 (Jerusalem Post, Reuters)
Israeli Wounded: ~ 300 (Reuters)
July 16, 2006:
Lebanese Dead: > 150 (Reuters. Other news agencies reported more, so I chose the minimum amount. Will correct this with more accurate information.)
Israeli Dead: > 12 (AP)
and 7 Canadians were murdered by IDF in Lebanon.
Also, I've taken off the statistic for the wounded. There is not much reliable information on that.
FYI: Almost as many Lebanese civilians have been killed in less than a week as were killed in Operation Grapes of Wrath (Spring, 1996), which included the ignored Qana Massacre.
July 17, 2006:
Lebanese Dead: > 200 (Reuters, AP, Haaretz)
Israeli Dead: > 12 (Reuters, AP)
July 19 2006:
Lebanese Dead: > 320 (AP, AFP)
Israeli Dead: > 16 (Haaretz, Jerusalem Post)
July 21 2006:
Lebanese Dead: > 350 (AP, AFP)
Israeli Dead: = 15 (there was an error in the statistics previously. BBC, Haaretz, Jpost)
July 24 2006:
Lebanese Dead: > 360 (AP, AFP, reuters)
Israeli Dead: = 17 (BBC, Haaretz, Jpost)
July 28 2006:
Lebanese Dead: > 420
Israeli Dead: = 19
August 10 2006:
Lebanese Dead: ~1000
Israeli Dead: 38
Lazarus, I've been hearing a lot about how Haret Hreik looks like Stalingrad now ... Do you have access to some pictures showing the scene?
By Anonymous, at 1:44 AM
BBC reports 123 dead Lebanese.
Assafir reports 110.
Al Jazeera reports 116...but these numbers keep changing with each atrocity.
By the perpetual refugee, at 3:04 PM
And imagine.......
No one had to die on either side of the border had Hizb'Allah not attacked Israel and kidnapped 2 of its soldiers.
And now you whine about your dead?
It can all end very fast. Return the soldiers and station you very own Lebanese national army in the south to keep the peace by keeping Hizb'Allah out.
Can't do it? Too bad. The people that control you country wanted war and they got it.
The ball has been in Lebanon's court since the first minute and you've done nothing but fumble it.
Regards from Jerusalem, Israel
By Anonymous, at 2:17 AM
Lazarus, if you want answers to your questions, why not turn comments on for all of your posts?
By Solomon2, at 4:23 AM
'm just a regular US citizen who has just had enough of gangsters and louts ruling my country... and I am deeply demeaned to see my neighbor to the South having to do my dirty job for me, still.....
Amazing what a few words dan do to change hemispheres eh?
I hope that Isral and lebenon can come together like the neighbors they should be and kick the shit outta the thugs and wipes. Then learn to stand up and take your own affairs into your own hands in the future.
BTW, running off to another country will NEVER help! Stand your own ground and fight for it! By GAWD we sure as hell did! Independance and freedom has a REAL price!
By Anonymous, at 4:38 AM
It's really simple. As long as Hizbollah harasses Israel, kidnapping soldiers, and sending missiles indiscriminately attacking Israeli cities Lebanon will not have peace.
You started it. We'll finish it now.
By Anonymous, at 8:34 AM
Lazarus, you are, like many other arab bloggers, are continuing the hypocrisy that will never allow peace.
You never comment on the indiscriminite launching of missles from hizbollah (originating in lebanese territory), into northern israeli towns. They have no military targets, they just launch missles and if they hit civilains, so what.
Lets recount these attacks:
Israel, targeting hizbollah, who happen to station rockets, etc in civilian areas. Targeting transportation, fuel depots, hizbollah strongholds, etc.
Hizbollah, launching rockets with no targets. Yet many less israeli dead because they are all in the many, many bomb shelters.
And you talk about the moral highground.
By Anonymous, at 11:03 AM
Lebanese Dead 220
Lebanese Wounded 850
(Source Al-Jazeera)
By lifeflaw, at 1:15 AM
A supposedly simple question, though it is a very loaded one:
You wrote CIVILIANS.
Do you know how many of Hezbollah have died ?
And just as important, you do realize the Hezbollah will report their dead and injured as civilians and try to increase the numbers as much as possible? Are you sure your sources truly know how to make this distinction (I strongly doubt this, particularly given interests and chaos)?
In Israel the distinction is simple, and the army does not hide behind the civilians.
Obviously, All the above does not give any reason for a single child death, regardless of the child religion and nationality.
By Anonymous, at 8:11 AM
Hi, I'm an israeli, feeling your pain and hearing your distress.
If only there was a way convincing u that people here really care about u
No one want that Lebanese will get heart, we all hoping for peace and wishing u will hold on and wont suffer.
I'm hoping for a day which I can hold your hand with trust, deep respect and love.
Wish u all well and keep safe
By Anonymous, at 9:16 PM
"kidnapped 2 of its soldiers"
soldiers are not "kidnapped" they are captured. Only civilians can be "kidnapped".
Seems to me that Hezbollah wants a prisioner exchange and Israel wants WW3.
By Dancewater, at 10:32 PM
You can understand Israel's desire for revenge, but attacking Lebanon plays right into the hands of Hezbollah.
I think an alternative way of looking at the war is this: the Israeli armed forces and Hezbollah have forged an alliance against civilians on both sides. Hezbollah attacks civilian targets in Israel, giving Israel's armed forces an excuse to attack Lebanon, and for Israel to portray itself as the victim of a terrorist aggressor. The suffering of Lebanese civilians swells Hezbollah's ranks, radicalises people who might otherwise be peaceful, and facilitates further attacks on Israel. And the whole cycle of violence starts again.
The extremists on both sides want exactly the same thing. It's a model of international cooperation.
By Anonymous, at 6:20 AM
Israel wants war so that it can steal more Arab land.
Hizbullah want war because they were being sidelined by the peace process. In war they are powerful; in peace they are impotent.
I'm astounded that Israelis have been taking the moral high ground regarding this. Hizbullah's crappy rockets are nothing compared to Israel's brutal military occupation of Palestinian land, the stifling of Palestinian (and now Lebanese) economies and the continual targeting of Arab civilians.
For example, yesterday Israel blew up a paper tissue factory. How is this targeting Hizbullah? So that they can't blow their noses?
Israel's actions have been despicable and not in its own interests. The world is watching. And the world sees through your whining about anti-Semitism, so give that a rest too.
By Norman Geddon, at 6:48 AM
GOD is above and he will save LEBANON ....
the capture of soldiers of the unfavourable camp exists since millenia and all the wars knew it, the europeans, americans, Russian.... The captured soldiers were always used as currency of exchange with the enemy, to recover his own soldiers.
Hezbollah did not do anything out of low nor of special which would deserve the attack which followed on Lebanon.
And the funniest in this situation it is that Israel forgets that it posses in its prisons many Lebanese since years... Would they have the right not to return them or they believed that they are more powerful than GOD?
All people accuse the Hezbollah of terrorism or extremism????
Did one ask for why Hezbollah was born and with which aim???
NO of course, they are Moslems and more than this they are Shiites, therefore they at once are shown like assassins, terrorists....
But didn't you think that Hezbollah is not other than a group of resistance, precisely born to release the country and to push back the enemy...Don't we have the to live in peace in our country, this country that everyone envies us, this country whose ground and people are so accessible and so fraternal??
To finish, I don't find the words to qualify the behavior of so-called the greater power in the world, which pushes his half-brothers to be continued to destroy a country like LEBANON just for its own pleasure and this to reach the countries that they have fear of reaching...
Why they don't attack the countries concerned as they did in LEBANON and we will see what will occur...
All my thoughts for my familly, my friends, my ground, my people, these people who fight for our freedom and for these people who die innocently...
GOD alone can and has the right to decide for the destiny of each one and last day we will laugh well....
By Anonymous, at 2:55 AM
United We Stand, Divided We Fall... They Can Kill One But Can't Kill Us All....
By Anonymous, at 2:16 AM
"United We Stand, Divided We Fall... They Can Kill One But Can't Kill Us All...."
Do you really want to die? Do you really want OTHERS to die? You can't bring back to life the 8 Israelis killed on the first day, you can't call back the HA rockets fired on the first day - both before Israel bombed any Lebanese target - but you can make an effort to return the kidnapped soldiers (yes, kidnapped, or else it's a declaration of war, which would make Israel's reaction all the more justified) to stop more deaths.
But it doesn't seem you want to. It doesn't seem you care. You'd rather be seen as a poor peace seeker who's being harmed for nothing...
I do believe that a large part of "the Arab problem" - from which Lebanon suffered less, and now more, is self deception, believing in your own propaganda instead of bravely collecting the facts, analysing them and learning from past mistakes!
By Anonymous, at 11:14 AM
New Post:
And on the 12th day of bombing..
By Philip I, at 11:18 AM
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