Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Might is Right

There are many things to write about, much to criticize, and even more to mourn, but all those words will not change the current "outcome" of this conflict. It will have to be seen whether Seniora's tears and his recent stance contain enough impetus to change the situation, or whether Olmert's immature obsession with killing will be satiated. (As a sidenote, Olmert needs a lesson in causality. i.e. cause and effect aren't always interchangeable. Someone please tell him that.) I doubt that anything will happen soon, since the US vetos resolutions it does not like with knee-jerking alacrity.

If only I could count the number of times when individuals, faced with nothing else to say about the criminal pogrom Israel is carrying out, state so wisely that "Might is Right." Thanks for stating something so wise and un-cliche. You see, Hitler had also stated something of the sort back in the day. I wonder how many people agree he was right.

Of course, in all the past four weeks, I've received emails from Israelis who wanted to carry out a "dialogue." I've stopped replying to some of them, because I can only chew on a certain number of repetitive statements before I turn green. It is worth quoting one of the lines written, since it was hilarious. I'm quoting verbatim, "it is not the IDF's fault that civilians place themselves in front of missiles."

Except that its not so funny considering that ~1000 people have been murdered by a killing machine that has decided to kill even more. But hey, Israel just want peace.


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