Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Slogans from Tel Aviv

No to the War

We will not kill or die for the US

Amir Peretz-They Wait for You in the Hague

No to the Destructions in Gaza and Lebanon

Children in Beirut and Haifa Deserve to Live

Listen up, soldier – it's your duty to refuse


Of course, that's not to say there wasn't a counter demonstration (and a mini-skirmish with passerbys), with the following slogans:

Traitors, we are fed up with you

A good Arab is a dead Arab

If only a rocket fell on you


  • since, as you know, Jerusalem is Israel's capital.

    these slogans are from a demonstration that took place in tel aviv, hence the title.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 2:56 PM  

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