If Hezbollah stopped its ...
... raids, would Israel also stop?Update: Although I am aware of the Israeli's government's "conditions" for ceasing their "precise raids", the question above is directed to Israeli citizens. So let it read as: would Israeli citizens want Israel to also stop?
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Light for Lebanon: www.lightforlebanon.com
ReliefLebanon: www.relieflebanon.org
Save Lebanon: www.saveleb.org
No. If Lebanon returns Israel's 2 kidnapped soldiers and ensures that there are no more threats from Lebanese backed terrorists against Israel, then Israel would not only cease firing, it would fully withdraw back to the international border.
I'm suprised we have to tell you this. Israel stated this shortly after Israel initially responded to HA. It was on radio and TV during the days when they were still regularly available in Lebanon.
The choice has been Lebanon's all along.
By Anonymous, at 11:12 PM
or www.savebeirut.org
for T-Shirts of which 40% price will be donated directly to several aid associations in Lebanon.
By Anonymous, at 11:23 PM
It seems pretty obvious that Lebanese were perfectly tolerant of Hezbollah before. It would be hard for Israel's actions to result in Hezbollah being more dangerous for Israel.
By Erick, at 2:55 AM
Reply to initial question:
IMHO, after the following conditions are satisfied, any action of IDF against Lebanon will be impossible by interior politics reasons.
A) Lebanese army takes control north of the border and honestly and actively acts against any
attack directed to Israel (note that nobody can guarantee the total absense of such, and Israel understands it, look for Jordan as an example)
B) 2 returned soldiers
C) Some formal agreement, warmer is better.
I should say that I do not know anyone, even the most extreme kind, who will suggest a war against Jordan. And most of my friends believed that we will have to confront HA at some moment (though I personally started to hope last year that this can be avoided).
By mitrii, at 6:04 AM
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