1982 - 2006
Israeli invasion in 1982 to "rid Lebanon of the PLO" -> Creation of HezbollahIsraeli invasion in 2006 to "rid Lebanon of Hezbollah" -> Creation of ??
The Israeli government and a large proportion of Israelis still haven't learnt that "fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity".
Will they anytime soon?
What does killing terrorists lead to?
By Anonymous, at 9:30 PM
dead terrorists.
By Anonymous, at 9:55 PM
You have to fight for peace and freedom if you want peace and freedom.
Lebanon itself shows how true it is. Lebanese never did so they have neither peace nor freedom.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriot and tyrants".
- Thomas Jefferson
By Anonymous, at 2:41 AM
Laz, great point, you hit the nail on the head.
By lifeflaw, at 3:51 AM
Why isn't the point that if you keep on preaching death to Israel and keep on attacking it, Lebanon is the one that will be screwed over and over again?
Why isn't the point that if Lebanese based and supported terrorists never stepped foot over the border into Isreal, Israel would never step over the border into Lebanon?
You still haven't learned anything. You'll get screwed over and over again because your country refuses to accept the existance of Israel.
But fear not, all is not in vain. Nasrallah, Assad and Ahmadinejad will continue to praise the Lebanese as martyrs, with 72 virgins guaranteed for all. Oh, sorry, Muslims only. As for the infidels, do you masters' bidding or you will die by the sword.
Sad little people who can't seem to get it.
By Anonymous, at 1:37 AM
See what I mean?
Nasrallah: Nazareth Children are Shahidim.
More! More! To die for Allah is the ultimate achievement. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain. More! More!
By Anonymous, at 1:53 AM
If Hezbollah and Hamas disarm, there will be peace. If Israel disarms, there will be a Holocaust.
By Anonymous, at 10:23 PM
Violence led to peace by the defeat of the Nazis in WWII.
By Anonymous, at 10:32 PM
Everyone that is able to helo..should.. even if its a small amount it would make a difference
By Anonymous, at 2:29 AM
Whwat should be done.. Hizbollah drop there weapons like ouat and the aounis did long time ago our president to sign piece with Israel if all this doesnt happen there will be o pieve everrrr
By Anonymous, at 2:33 AM
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