Monday, July 17, 2006

Olmert has "made his bones"

The Dahaf poll, published in the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot, found that 81 percent of Israelis want the offensive to continue. Another 78 percent are satisfied with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's performance.

And 72 percent said they backed Defense Minister Amir Peretz, formerly a populist union leader whose appointment to head the military a few months ago raised concerns he lacked the military experience for the job.

Monday's poll of 513 Israelis was the first since Israel began its campaign against the Lebanese guerilla group on Wednesday. The poll has an error margin of 4.2 percentage points.


  • Why not move toe conflict, because it is rather apparent that Lebanon has very little to do with what is going on.
    It is a conflict between Syria, Iran, Hizzbullah and Israel.
    Why can't they just battle eachother on mutual ground. I hear Greenland is nice this time of year...
    (I know that this is a naive perspective, however with all the subjective crap that is spewed on the news i believe it fits right in

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:26 AM  

  • Because Greenland didn't attack Israel. Lebanon did.

    How about a poll in Lebanon:

    Do you support Lebanon's war against Israel?

    1. Loving it! Hit me again!
    2. T'is nothing but a flesh wound.
    3. We're gonna whoop their Jewish hinies!
    4. I would respond but there's a bunker buster heading my ahhhhhhhhhhh...................................
    5. Give Israel back their 2 soldiers and their security so that we can start cleaning up the disaster we brought upon ourselves.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:37 AM  

  • What a macho, mister Regards from Jerusalem..
    you must surely be a great intellectual, am I right ?
    Please, for all the israelis and others, who are tempted now and then by throwing again and again the same crap over and over, like "well it's lebanon's fault, you deserve it", please, buzz off !!!
    We don't really need to hear this kind of stupid comments when we have bombs killing our compatriots.
    beware not to mistake hezballah for the lebanese people.
    I personally found the comment by anonymous very useful.

    If israel is so courageous and strong, why is it then that they are attacking lebanon, while they know that the head of the snake is Syria and Iran ??
    Your 2 soldiers are probably in Syria as we speak anyway !!

    By Blogger Jean, at 1:50 AM  

  • "beware not to mistake hezballah for the lebanese people."

    Stop this BULLSHIT.

    Here are the facts:

    1. Hezballah consists of Lebanese, not martians
    2. Hezballah has official headquarters in Beirut
    3. Hezballah has 23 seats in 128-member Lebanese parliament
    4. Hezballah is represented in Lebanese government, heck Lebanon even has ministers representing Hezballah.

    And still you Lebanese keep saying Hezballah isn't Lebanon. Sorry, but I don't buy it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:02 AM  

  • Please forgive my counterpart's from Jerusalem inpolite remark. However, he does have a point.
    Yes, at least some (probably most) of us Israelis know the difference between the Hizbullah and the Lebanese government/people. However, you can't deny that Hizbullah has been rooted in Lebanon for about 20 years now. Since we left in 2000, the Lebanse people and government knew perfectly well that the Hizbullah is mounting a massive rocket array, pointing to Israel, in Southern Lebanon. They've been elected to your Parliament and your Cabinet. What did you think would happen when they attack Israel? Did you really expect Lebanon to be spared?
    I, too, regret the great deal of damage being done to the reborn Lebanese state, and to its civilians. Which is why I can't understand why didn't you elected government comply with Resolution 1559 and kick them the hell out of there! Then we would both have some peace of mind.
    Regarding attacking Syria and Iran, I honestly don't know. Two reasons I can think about - firstly, these two nations are very powerful, I guess, and maybe the IDF, for military reasons, doesn't wasnt to confront them right now. Secondly, the int'l community would say we don't have the legitimacy - they keep saying that.

    By Blogger Beny Shlevich, at 2:08 AM  

  • thanks beny for your comment.
    I wasn't going to reply to your less eloquent counterpart.
    Here's the deal: Hizballah is of course composed of lebanese people, no doubt about it. But it's far from gathering the lebanese public opinion !
    Since it was founded, hizballah never managed to rally all the lebanese to it.
    maybe the year 2000 was the time HA enjoyed a peek of popularity, but it soon started to decline rapidly, after we realized that HA is bound to stay in the south, and that the lebanese army would not be allowed to go there, and yes I used the term "allowed".

    Understand this. HA is backed by Syria and Iran. you yourself said that these are 2 very powerful countries !!! imagine then how powerful they are compared to lebanon !
    And you have to remember, Syria practically RULED Lebanon until very very recently (2005) !
    So please, you do the math. how were we supposed to manage to disarm HA and send the army to the south ? HA was more powerful than the government.

    I'm not saying that 100% of the lebanese are against HA. HA probably is very very popular in the south of lebanon where it founded schools, and hospitals etc.. that explains the parliament seats.
    but there are people who saw HA's dangerous influence on lebanon a long time ago. HA is very very far from having a majority among the lebanese.

    Having said all that, Israel is killing innocents. please, stop and think 2 seconds about wht this means. we read it and hear it every day, and we forget what it means. Innocents, children, women, men .... vanishing, lives destroyed..
    We, lebanese, were having the "National Dialog" held regularly lately, mainly for disarming HA and demarkating the borders with Syria..
    I think it would have been a better solution to disarm HA..
    All we needed was some political help, all we got are bombs killing innocents, and lebanese army men !!! disgusting !!
    I just hope that something good can finally come out of all this terrible mess....

    By Blogger Jean, at 2:31 AM  

  • All we needed was some political help - Jean, at 2:31 AM

    No. You need to pick up a gun and get your country back - not from Israel - from Nasrallah. We don't want your country. Never did. Never will. Too bad the feeling is never mutual.

    If you cannot gain control back of your own country, then don't blame Israel for fighting against and uncontrollable neighbor. You can't have it both ways.

    Until Lebanon decides that their stupid terorist escapade across the border isn't worth all this (or was it?), the planes will keep flying and the artillery will keep pounding and you guys can continue lobbing your rockets over the border - all for not returning our 2 soldiers.

    In all honesty, some - not all - of you have our sympathies. You, too, have killed innocents over on this side, without any attempt to aim at a military or strategic target. We've also got pictures of dead and mained countrymen of ours. War is not a pretty picture.

    The ball has been in Lebanon's court from the first minute of this war. Catch!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:56 AM  

  • "Regards from Jerusalem", I'm sorry, I will not give you the pleasure of formulating a reply.
    I see you go over most of the blogs, with the same post, unchanged.
    Obviously, you can write, but you don't bother to read.
    Typical extremist, thank god not all your fellow counterparts are the same as you.
    Now, either start reading and understanding what people are replying to your posts, or go get a life, elsewhere.

    By Blogger Jean, at 5:24 AM  

  • hi Lazarus,

    First let me also apologize for some fanaticas from "our side" that seem to enjoy stating their unchanged opinion in every possible talk-back. I think the problem is more basic then not reading replys, as jean said. The problem is in the lack of an ability to see things in other peopels eyes. They complain so much about lebanon not kicking the HA's ass when they know very well how much haed times israel have controling it's extrimists. It still doesn't dare to remove some ileagal setlments in the west bank.

    second, i will like to hear more about the feeling of people in lebanon and their toughts about the future. What i'm very afraid of is that the killing of inocent people will cause hatred that will cause the killing of more inocents.

    (in case you want to know my view, israel reaction was out of proportion and the disregrad to lebanonize life is horrible. HA are fuckign bustards that cause this mess)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:14 AM  

  • well, my point of view, is that where we live, in the christian heartland of lebanon, people cursing hizballa for doing that to the country, and blaming also israel for the "disproportionate response", and the killing of civilians.
    A news yesterday has shaken us. apparently, Ha members infiltrate many sunnite cities to fire there rockets and then leave, so the israelis would bomb the sunnies, making them rally to the HA cause..
    I hope they won't do the same with the christians.

    We all hope this will all be over very soon, with the traitor nasrallah either killed or out of the country.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:21 AM  

  • Hey you, regards from Jerusalem: you don't represent me or any of the Israelis I know. You spew your government-approved hatred on each Lebanese blog I visited. Does it make you feel powerful and all? Will you feel less powerful when it's your family, G-d forbit, that is hurt?
    The Hizbollah cares about you, your life, and your interests far far less than Israelis do. Sadly so, cause they are your countrymen and we are not - and my own army's behavior in this conflict can only be explained in one way: a helpless pathetic government that decided to show it has muscles by bombing a neighbor that can't reply.
    But truly, Regards from Jerusalem, you disturb me more than the Hizbollah. The latter are enemies, but you are clearly educated yet full of self-righteousness on par with the Hez. Shame on you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:27 PM  

  • Finally I see people making sense on both sides of the blog. Maybe there is hope yet.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:49 PM  

  • there is always hope lebnani. always.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 10:53 PM  

  • I keep reading this thing about kicking Hezbollah out. The implication is that the Lebanese should have forcibly disarmed them pactically overnight when they had been democratically elected. Everyone - from the US to Israel - knew this was impossible. The only way was through violence, according to most people. Well no, actually. There was also the option of incorporating them politically. But that takes time - something that Olmert decided not to give the Lebanese. There was also the option of getting forceful: the equivalent of firing a warning shot across the bows. That option was not followed either.

    But enough ranting. It's good to see some discussion is taking place between Israelis and Lebanese.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:32 AM  

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