Monday, July 17, 2006

Disarm Hezbollah

And at the same time:

1 - Reduce by orders of magnitude the military strength of Israel.
2 - Provide maps for the 400,000+ mines Israel has left in Lebanon, which kill and maime 10 - 20 Lebanese civilians per year.
3 - Cease all airspace violations that Israel has committed since before I was born.
4 - Provide reparations for all the destruction that has happened.
5 - ...

On another note, I'd like to thank all those who sent hate-mail concerning my last post. I wonder if the current Israeli blog commentators represent public opinion in Israel. On the other hand, I've also received emails from Israelis who want to discuss rationally - which in my opinion is much better than the knee-jerk idiotic rants and spasms I've been seeing in various places.


  • May I help clarify the specifics of your post. In the history of war and civilzation, it is the victors that set the terms for the cessation of conflict, a.k.a. surrender, not the defeated. I suggest that if you still wish to set conditions, you're not ready for the Israelis to stop their campaign.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:15 AM  

  • Sorry, Lazarus, it doesn't work that way.

    1. If you yourself admit that Hizb'Allah should be disarmed, what does that have to do with Israel being disarmed? Can we take it a step further and say that if Israel is disarmed, then the Lebanese Army must be disarmed? How about Syria? How about Iran?

    Lebanon is entitled to an army to defend itself and so is Israel.

    2. I'm very sorry to here about the minefields and the deaths. They are a sad byproduct of the last war in Lebanon. BTW, how many minefields were planted by the PLO and other terrorist organization in S. Lebanon prior to Israel's 1982 Operation Peace for Galilee? How many minefields does Hizb'Allah maintain?

    3. The airspace violations would never had been necessary had Hib'Allah not been stocking up over the years on sophisticated weapons aimed at Israel. Israel has been attacked by Lebanese based terrorists since before the time you were born.

    4. Ask Nasrallah to cover the bill. He's already promised he would. You won't get a stitch from us in Israel and you don't deserve it. You reap what you've sown.

    5. 4 was enough.

    Yep, we in Israel are fed up with our neighbors attacking us and then crying when we hit back. Next time, pick on somebody smaller than yourself, like Syria. You'd be doing us all a favor but especially yourselves.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:19 AM  

  • Lessons about Israel

    1. Israel hates it when its people are killed.

    2. As evidenced by the Lebanon border before 1978, the Syrian border since 1974, the Jordanian border since 1970, the Egyptian border since 1974, Israel will respect an international Arab border when that border is similarly respected.

    3. Israel will try to avoid civilian casualities in Lebanon, but the feeling is that 10 Lebanese = 1 Israeli.

    By Blogger jsbennett70, at 11:30 AM  

  • 1: For what reason? Israel has over time absorbed strike after strike from both Palestinians and Lebanese without striking back. Recently, Israel focibly ejected their own settlers and returned land in Gaza. In return, these lands were used to launch attacks on Israel. It is clear Israel NEEDS their military strength. What purpose would it serve to reduce it? So Israel can then be attacked without fear of a reply? That is not even logical thinking.

    2. All the mines, not just Israels should be removed. But you can't do that if the people removing the mines are subject to attack or kidnapping, can you?

    3. There would be no reason for "airspace violations" if Israel wasn't under threat of attack. Each of those "airspace violations" entails both an expense and a risk that Israel would rather not undertake. You make it sound like they do it for sport. Interesting that the reason behind the "airspace violations" is ignored.

    4, I belive Israel has said they would do that already. It would probably be more forthcoming if the government of Lebanon would take a more active role in putting an end to the situation. By standing by during Hezbollah's campaign of hirabah, they appear to be a part of it.

    5. How about arresting the top party membership; trying them for treason, kidnapping and murder and then holding them responsible for the damage that was done in response to their crimes.

    Here is the very very interesting bottom line. What is being whispered by many countries, not just the West, is that it is time for Hezbollah to be destroyed. They are more trouble than they are worth. They are not a resistance movement, they are criminals bent on hirabah for their own advancement. It is a selfish thirst for power that keeps them in charge and what they can't get with the ballot, they would hope to get through intimidation with a gun. They are a common criminal gang involved in murder and kidnapping. And when they are allowed to be a part of the government, it makes the government and therefore all of Lebanon a party to their crimes.

    It is sad that we do not see the Lebanese government assisting in eliminating Hezbollah's arms.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:39 AM  

  • Only the point about the hate mail you receive:

    Unfortunately, there is a large contingency in our society who are just craps with severe mental problems. They are mostly right wingers with a slightly mystic inclination. (I should say that there are types on the radical left who respond to more or less the same profile - extreme types are attracted to extreme politics).

    You have HA. We have these guys.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:43 PM  

  • Disk on Key,

    True. I wish it wasn't so. Thanks for clarifying that.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 3:09 PM  

  • You have a right to be angry. However, do not allow your mental anguish to blur your understanding of the space-time continuum. In your post, you wrote, "3 - Cease all airspace violations that Israel has committed since before I was born." Israel can cease violations of airspace, but they can only accomplish this in the future, not since before you were born. Anyway, clarity is king, and so is the future. Lebanon should seize a bit of both.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:53 PM  

  • UCL,

    Although my sentence missed a comma, and possible two other words, I'm sure you understood what I meant: If Israel wants to have longterm peace in the future, then there should be no air space violations in the future ...

    ... but thanks for pointing that out.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 3:59 PM  

  • And thanks for clarifying that. Still, the real point of my comment was to establish an extended metaphor that points out that often in Lebanon it appears that the past is worshipped as the present; the fog of war often exacerbates this tendency and obscures one's sight of potential opportunities. I guess I got too cute about expressing it, and you missed it. Sorry 'bout that. Anyway, I found your phraseology oddly telling in that regard. Very interesting.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:30 PM  

  • UCL,

    you may be right. You've just given me some food for thought.


    By Blogger Lazarus, at 5:46 PM  

  • I just wanted to say that what you're doing with your blog is fantastic Lazarus, and long may it continue. Several of the papers over here are doing well at reporting the truth and reflecting the national mood and there is growing support for Lebanon and a growing anger towards Israel in London right now. We are growing tired of Israels obscene violence and attitude to Arabs. And on a personal note they have achieved nothing but drag my religion into the gutter.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:27 PM  

  • Israel did provide maps to their landmines. Lebanese civilians are more probably dying due to landmines places by groups such as Hezbolah, if you believe otherwise it means you've been brainwashed a bit, as even the ICBL appears to believe that Israel has done a good job in regards to documenting the landmines

    I do however agree that Israel should stop the airspace violations, at least the sonic boom aspect, as the goal of those sonic booms is to induce terror (albiet a non fatal terror, as opposed to katuysha and kassam rockets) and hence it's beneath Israel to due that.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:24 AM  

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