Saturday, April 08, 2006

Youth in Action

I had linked to this article in my sidebar yesterday, but since today I discovered a good friend of mine was directly involved in that, I will practice our beloved habit of cronyism and create an entire post just for this.


  • check that challenge :)

    i m involved in that one ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:22 PM  

  • Now that is what I like to read. Any chance to have more details: LDM 2006 website, name of NGOs involved...?

    By Blogger Ms Levantine, at 8:18 PM  

  • Ms Levantine,

    Go to

    You'll find some more info there.

    By Blogger Hassan, at 11:03 PM  

  • forgot to add the link

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:15 AM  

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