Thursday, April 06, 2006

March 14 ... long gone

Where is the "March 14" block taking the country? Do they even have a strategy, let alone a sustainable one?


  • first of all, let s talk about the 14 of march of the politicians not the 14 of march

    the real 14 of march is the one of the gathering of everyone for one objective and this movement is gone, history, passé with all what happened after.
    the 14 of march was agonising from the legislative elections when some parties pushed other parties apart of that movement.
    the 14 of march of the politicians lost its essence from that time.
    it agonised with the support of some politicians with the events of the 5th feb.

    to answer they dont ve strategies as far they dont ve objectives, and if they do have objectives they dont have a strategy to achieve it.

    by making compromises with berry in the parlement, with the hezbollah in the government etc... they lost the spirit of it.

    by making too many compromises, they compromised lebanon's future and entered in the game of the axes present in the middle east and we can see it today in the dialogue.

    last year we succeeded to reach the liberation of the cedars.
    "We" is the population, not the politicians.
    i m still waiting for the cedar's revolution to liberate of from those that collaborated during the civil war with the syrians and the foreign entities
    i m waiting for the revolution liberating us from this communitarism

    i m waiting for an event building as i hoped last year a united nation and not a community of sects

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:22 PM  

  • Frankly, there always was some kind of fake aftertaste to the March 14 (an)alphabet soup: too many sleek talking points produced by Saatchi & Saatchi and recited by semi-literate drones such as “Sheikh” Saad and “Sitt” Stridah, or even worse, declaimed pompously by cynical thugs such as Waleed “Beyck” and his racist Jamaa Islamiyyah friends!

    I’m afraid the truth has always been less romantic: nearly all of Lebanon’s supposedly“anti-Syrian” politicians and other self-righteous “resistants of the eleventh hour” were actually brought up by sinister Syrian apparatchiks such as VP Khaddâm and Gen. Ghazi Kanaan while General Michel Aoun lived in exile and his followers were persecuted by Hariri’s political police

    Here's a typical quote from freedom loving Haririst-in-chief Walid Jumblatt (criticizing Michel Aoun in a March 2000 interview):
    "We condemn those who revive claims that Syria is a foe and an enemy [...] advocates of this claim, which proved to be destructive to Lebanon, have not learned from the past."

    I’m not sure if that makes him “a keen reader of history” as his friend Rafic al-Hariri used to say of him.
    “Cynical courtier” or “callous collaborator” comes to mind…

    By Blogger Dr Victorino de la Vega, at 2:32 PM  

  • Laz- that's what i keep trying to figure out.

    And who worked out this "reform plan" that's neither reform nor a plan.?

    By Blogger Jamal, at 4:20 AM  

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