Thursday, April 20, 2006

On Jumblatt ... again ...

What exactly went on in Saudi Arabia while Jumblatt was visiting that would make him state the following:

- he would "entrust the Arab League to help Lebanon preserve its stability"

- "It is important to agree on the guidelines which preserve Syria's strategic security and also Lebanon's diversity and freedom of the press"

- "in the end it is the Arabs who preserve stability in Lebanon"

Has another "shift" begun?


  • I would not entrust the Arab League to shine my worst pair of shoes.

    As to all these words: security, stability, strategic ....They don't mean anything anymore. Empty rethoric.

    By Blogger JoseyWales, at 4:12 AM  

  • Laz,

    you don't support a leader when he adopts a political position that you support, even though he needs that support if he is to succeed in advancing that cause.

    Then when he changes his position because he has failed, or is weak, (as a result of your lack of support) you call him out!

    I think "taking the moral high ground" can sometimes be counter-productive to say the least.

    Forget Jumblatt's politics, his corruption and his past. If the idiot, all of a sudden, pulls over to the side of the street and offers you a ride to where you would like to go, why not take the risk?

    Who knows, if enough people ride in the car with him, maybe he'd feel too pressured or even frightened to to "take a side route" or a detour!

    By Blogger Raja, at 10:39 AM  

  • you may be right raja :).

    although i wasn't really attacking him in this post. i'm actually curious to know what happened in SA.

    and just to make things clear: Jumblatt's past isn't the only factor that I considered when wondering whether I should "trust" him or not, but rather his present actions.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 10:47 AM  

  • People still trust Jumblat??? hmmmm..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:57 PM  

  • joumblatt as i said is a wind taker
    he s just telling u what u wish to hear from him raja.

    however look to his acts, he is acting for his own egocentric interest: dividing to reign on his own community and have a political existance.

    this is why he cannot be trusted, we can have convergencies of interet with him as a point or another but definitly being not able to be trusted he has to be pulled out of the lebanese political scene.

    when i m hearing him still talking about the arabism etc... sorry guys i m having divergencies of interest.
    saudian interests are against lebanon, we cannot be tools of their influence for/against syria. we have to choose politicians exempt of foreign influence, meaning about the so called 14 of march politicians, putting aside hariri, joumblatt etc...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:11 AM  

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