Monday, April 17, 2006

Diasporic Initiatives

In case you're interested:

Directed at Lebanon:

1 - TechLeb (located in Boston)
2 - Inlet

Directed at the MENA region in general:

1 - TechWadi (located in the Bay Area)


  • Tks for the links Lazarus. I could not access the list of speakers, but the event seems long on grad. students/short on investors and VCs. They should try to involve more financial people and managers. Kafalat is great but they are going to need more that to succeed.

    By Blogger Ms Levantine, at 1:06 PM  

  • Once a geek, always a geek. :)
    Long time no post! Welcome back.

    By Blogger Hassan, at 1:45 PM  

  • ms. L, a preliminary list of the speakers can be seen here.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 9:25 PM  

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