Sunday, March 26, 2006

A Cultural Difference?

France 2006: Employment law issued. Students upset. Students protest "erosion of social rights" for more than a month. Prime Minister extends offer to meet. Student Leaders of main groups REJECT offer.

Lebanon 2006: Apparently, there is no need to protest. Everything is perfect. Job market is great. Health care benefits are splendid. Ideal civil rights. Perfection ad infinitum.


  • Of course, a lot is wrong in Lebanon but France is a very bad example to follow.

    As the WSJ pointed out last week, the new labor law was passed in French parliament virtually without debate (a la old Leb or Syr parliament).

    And now the "debate" is in the streets (between the PM and 15 year-olds who several times since 1968 made French gvmts back down from change).

    France is as unable to solve its problems as Lebanon: total paralysis. (Of course the problems and reasons are different).

    By Blogger JoseyWales, at 3:29 AM  

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