Sunday, March 26, 2006

inside the "local church"


  • Walla Laz, going to Church!

    By Blogger Hassan, at 12:42 PM  

  • lol. eh hassan, i've finally seen the light that the only way to battle mi's is to become a ci :)))

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 1:43 PM  

  • Laz,
    I am going to make use of this window that you have provided in order to express my very profound disappointment that no one, with the exception of Foud and an academic post by Stacey, has seen it fit to take on the case of the covert in Afghanistan whose human rights are being trampled upon without a sqweak fro either the Arab , Moslem or Lebanese political and religious leaders. Can we really stand by as spectators when such ignominous action is allowed to take place ? What does that do to our claim when we turn around and demand democracy and freedom? Don't we all believe that what is good for us is by implication good for all?

    Nasrallah was quick to judgement when a cartoon was printed but is silent when we kill innocents in the name of faith. And what about Sfeir, he lacks the moral courage to speak truth to power ? What a shameful behaviour. But all of this goes to show one more time that as a general rule people desreve the governments that they get. We have failed one more time to stand for what is right, what is decent, what is moral and what id democratic.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:26 PM  

  • ghassan,

    the case of the convert is sad, disappointing, outrageous, ..., as are the darfur genocide, the ukrainian massacre, and countless other atrocities that have happened in the past year. the leaders you reference above never commented on those. why do you expect them to comment on this?

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 11:20 PM  

  • Laz,
    Two wrongs don't make a right. Of course they should have taken a stand on all of what you mention and even other cases. However, in the case of the Afghani convert, the heart of the case is Islam and Sharia. We need to know even more than the other cases, if that is possible, where do they standon these issues. I do not pretend to be a scholar of Islam but to the best of my knowledge there are no references in the Quran that seek worldly punishment for Kufr. It is all based on only one Hadith and many scholars claim that the Hadith in question is not authentic. But Islamic jurisprudence has chosen so far this interpretation that violates the basic precept of democracy. I would submit that any people, if they choose to accept a position that punishes those that convert to a different religion, is an illebral undemocratic people. So lat us stop the pretense that our aim is the creation of a democracy because we have no clue what a democracy is.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:25 AM  

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